Projects Homepage  GitHub
A personal website to showcase projects, write blogs, and a personal introduction.
Technology used: Hugo.

Paperless Judicial Process(Adhikarna)

Adhikarna Dashboard  Instagram product page
A platform that revolutionized the judicial process in Indonesia by enabling digitalization in document administration. This project was awarded as a “Masterpiece Product” by the judging team of lecturers from University of Indonesia. I developed the back-end and configured the deployment.
Technology used: Golang for Back-end and Svelte for Front-end.


sensitive Homepage  GitLab
A machine learning website that determines covid sentiment from given sentences. I developed the front-end and configured Docker for deployment.
Technology used: Go, React, Docker.


Timates Homepage  GitLab
A CRUD website for sports-related activity. In this project, I developed the news page.
Tech used: Django, JQuery.


Moviemarkt Homepage private source
A movie renting platform created for indie content creators (Proof of Concept). In this project, I developed the watch page.
Tech used: Django.